How Exercise Could Help Prevent Cancer

Exercise vs Cancer

Exercise vs cancer, what are the benefits? We know that the benefits of exercise are well established. It’s vital for our mental and physical health. But what about when it comes to cancer?

New studies have shown that more than 46,000 cancer cases could be prevented each year if more people exercised for a minimum of 45-minutes per day. This can be as little as 45-minutes of walking. This new study looked at the correlation between inactivity, exercise, and malignancies. Nearly 600,000 American men and women were studied for cancer incidence and physical activity habits. What was found was that about 3 percent of common cancers had a strong link to inactivity.

Exercise and the Immune System

Previous studies have shown that physical exercise helped shape the immune system. This change would increase the bodies ability to fight tumor growth.

The immune system is a major player in our overall health. It helps to protect us from diseases and infections, and it can tell when we’re getting sick before we know.

Exercise has a positive effect on the immune system in many ways. Exercise increases the number of white blood cells in the body, which fight off infection and help us recover from illness more quickly. Regular exercise also helps our immune system to function better when we’re under stress, which can happen for various reasons such as high levels of physical activity or stress at work or home.

The American Cancer Society has linked exercise with lowering 13 types of cancers.

Exercise can be an effective way to lower your risk of cancer. It can also increase your chances for recovery if you do get the disease. Studies have shown that those who exercised regularly had a higher survival rate than those who were sedentary.

Exercise is one of the best ways to prevent the onset of cancer as well as aiding in recovery from it.

Conclusion: Exercise vs Cancer

I hope this article has given you some insight into the benefits of exercise and its role in reducing cancer risks.

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