10 Traits of Successful Lifters

ten traits of successful lifters

Lifting weights doesn’t come naturally to everyone. It’s not uncommon for beginners to feel intimidated, discouraged, or even frustrated when they’re in the middle of their first set of reps. Movement is often restricted because of an excess amount of fear and thoughts about how bad it’ll feel when all this weight lands on them. Fortunately, there are ten traits of successful lifters that will allow anyone to become a proficient lifter.

Prioritize Technique and Form

Successful lifters look at exercise like a skill. Those exercises produce the best results when they are done properly.

Practice Foundational Lifts and Practice Them Often

Practice means that I am practicing foundational lifts and I am practicing them often. It means that I practicing my form and technique for squats, bench press, overhead press, deadlifts, etc.. and that I am doing them often.

Know How to Apply and Manipulate Intensity

Intensity is one of the tools in our tool belt to help get our bodies to adapt and change. Experienced successful lifters understand that like any tool, there is an appropriate time to use intensity.

Aim to Optimize Efficiency

It two exercises give the same effect as five exercises, I’m going to do the two over the five. Similarly, if a 45-minute workout will give me the same effect as a 60-minute workout, I will do the 45-minute work out.

Love the Journey

If I love the journey, I’m going to love the results. That means I must love the workout, the walks, the food, etc.. The more I love the journey the more I am going to love the rewards.

They are Disciplined Not Motivated

Successful lifters go through periods of motivation and non-motivation. However, the one thing that remains is consistency. Successful lifters are disciplined and do not rely on motivation.

Don’t Take Unnecessary Risks

Like any endeavor in life, I take risks. What separates myself and other successful lifters is that I manage risk and make sure that I am not taking unnecessary risks. These are the risks that may not give me the results I’m looking for.

If Something Hurts, They Do Not Avoid it. They Fix It

If my shoulder hurts when I bench press, I want to find out why it’s hurting rather than avoiding the exercise all together. Good experienced lifters want to find out what’s wrong and address it.

Look at Food in Terms of Performance

It’s hard for me to look at food and to simultaneously improve my performance. Eating for performance is a really good strategy that you will find successful lifters talk about regularly.

Don’t Fall Into the Comparison Trap

One of the most important things I and other successful lifters will do, is that we only compare ourselves to ourselves. Comparing yourself to other in any endeavor is a receipt for failure.

Ten Traits of Successful Lifters Conclusion

In conclusion, there are many ways for lifters to become successful. The most important thing is to set long term goals, be committed, and enjoy the process.

-Before beginning any exercise routine, make sure you are medically cleared for participation by discussing it with your physician.
-Taking time for rest and recovery is also important in order to allow muscles to repair themselves after a workout.
-Know that it takes time to build muscle, so the process will take patience, dedication, and consistency.

For more articles on health and fitness, go to https://timefreedomblog.com/category/healthfitness/

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