How to Choose the Best Diet Plan?

There are many different diet plans to choose from. Those include popular diets plans such Keto, Atkins, Weight Watchers, Paleo, Mediterranean, Plant based and many more to choose from. The problem we all face is which one to choose and what is the best diet plan for me. So let’s start by examining these diets to find out what is the best diet plan.

Keto Diet

The keto diet is a low carb, high fat diet. Keto diets are low in carbs and high in fats.

Starting a keto diet for weight loss can be very promising. For those who have trouble sticking to the strict diet, there is an alternative: intermittent fasting (we will touch on this later).

Eating keto can also help you avoid cravings and mood swings.

Benefits of the Keto Diet

Ketosis is a metabolic state where the body uses ketones as the main source of energy instead of carbohydrates, which can lead to weight loss. The keto diet has been used as a way to lose weight and improve health since 1920, but it’s been gaining more traction in recent years.

Drawbacks of the Keto Diet

A ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet. It’s not for everyone.

There are many people who are unable to maintain this type of diet because it restricts their favorite foods, or they simply cannot deal with the feeling of hunger all the time.

Some people experience side effects like bad breath, headaches, constipation, and lethargy while on this type of diet.

Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet is a low carb, high fat diet that has been around since the 1960s. This diet was created by Dr. Robert Atkins.

The first few phases of the Atkins Diet are designed to put your body into ketosis – a state where the body burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. This helps you reach weight loss goals quickly, but it isn’t sustainable for the long-term.

The induction phase is strict with no more than 20 grams of carbs per day and most fats coming from healthy sources like avocado or nuts. You can also drink as many as you want which usually includes water, black coffee, and tea without sugar or honey.

What is the difference between the Atkins Diet and Keto

The Ketogenic Diet and Atkins Diet both restrict carbohydrate intake and increase protein and fat consumption. Keto is more high fat-based, while the Atkins Diet is more protein-based.

The Ketogenic Diet is a low-carb diet. The goal of this diet is to eat enough protein and fats to maintain muscle mass, keep blood sugar levels stable, and keep your body burning fat as fuel. The Atkins Diet is a high-protein diet that focuses on lowering carbs, not cutting them out completely. People who follow the Atkins Diet track their intake of carbohydrates to 20 grams or less per day for two weeks then gradually add 10 grams every four days until they reach a healthy level for them.

Slow-Carb Diet

The Slow Carb Diet is a diet that limits or excludes high glycemic index foods. Often called the ‘most popular low-carb, high-protein diet.

The primary principle of the Slow Carb Diet is to limit or exclude high glycemic index foods and eat foods that raise blood sugar and insulin levels at a slower rate.

Originally created in 2009 by Tim Ferris in his book The 4 Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat Loss, Incredible Sex and Becoming Superhuman.

The aim of the diet is to get your body into ketosis by limiting carbohydrate intake and increasing protein intake.

Weight Watchers

The Weight Watchers Diet is a weight-loss plan that uses a calorie counting system to determine what an individual should eat and how much they should be eating.

Created in 1963 by Jean Nidetch, she became overweight and experienced frustration while trying to lose the weight herself before coming up with the idea for the diet while attending a class on self-control at her church.

The Weight Watchers Diet works by having you track your daily calorie intake with an electronic device or via phone app. This diet encourages you to stay within your set range of calories per day. This varies depending on whether you’re male or female.

Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet is based on the idea that we should eat what our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate. The diet includes lean meats, fish, fruit, vegetables, and some nuts and seeds.

This might sound like a radical suggestion for modern people to adopt but there are many health benefits to adopting this diet.

This diet has been shown to help reverse Type 2 Diabetes or at least keep it in check. It also lowers risk factors for heart disease by reducing cholesterol levels and high blood pressure levels.

Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet is a diet that focuses on whole foods, healthy fats and proteins and does not include any red meat. It’s not about starving yourself or feeling like you’re missing out on anything; it’s about enjoying your food.

Plant Based Diet

The plant based diet is a diet that relies on foods derived from plant sources. The diet excludes animal products, such as meat, eggs, seafood and dairy products.

A whole food plant based diet is also often referred to as veganism or the vegan diet. Veganism has many health benefits for the individual who practices it. A vegan can reduce their risk of heart disease and cancer by decreasing the intake of animal fats and cholesterol found in meat, dairy and eggs. They can also as a result have a lower blood pressure as well as a lower body mass index (BMI).

In addition to these physical health benefits- those who have been on a whole food plant based diet have reported higher levels of energy, clear skin and better sleep patterns.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a type of dieting that prescribes a cycle between periods of fasting and non-fasting. As an individual fasts, they consume fewer calories and lose weight. This may be due to the body adapting from processing food to focusing on other functions, such as cellular repair and maintenance. Intermittent fasting is a diet that requires discipline and dedication but it’s worth the results!

There are several different cycles to choose from when doing Intermittent Fasting. Those include 5:2, 12:12, and 16:8. Most top athletic performers choose the 16:8 cycle. For you it will all depend on your schedule.

Conclusion – What is the best diet plan?

So what is the best diet plan? This all depends on your goals and lifestyle choices.

I personally believe through my own experiences that the Slow Carb Diet used with Intermittent Fasting provides the best results.

As a body builder, I need a high amount of quality protein as well as carbohydrates to fuel my brain. The Slow Carb diet provides me with both. By including intermittent fasting, the results that I am looking for are amplified. I use this in conjunction with the Golden Six. To me this is the magic bullet!

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